

The Myth Of Common Law Marriage

Posted By: Sharon Parnell - February 18, 2019

I’ve had a number of clients approach me asking what rights they have upon the end of their common-law marriage. My face falls and I ask for clarification. Can they send me the marriage...


Neal Gozzett successful in representing two separate clients in relation to allegations of Rape

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - January 14, 2019

Neal Gozzett successful in representing two separate clients in relation to allegations of Rape. After making his own full investigation on both files and submitting detailed representations, no further action was taken. On both...


Neal Gozzett succeeds in an appeal to the Football Association Appeal Board

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - January 14, 2019

His client had a longstanding involvement in the management of under 18 county teams and was well regarded amongst his peers. In 2017, complaints were received regarding his failure to adhere to the FA’s...


Help For Parents Wrongly Accused Of Child Abuse

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - January 11, 2019

Unfortunately, in our experience false allegations of child abuse are common. They can arise during an acrimonious divorce or separation when one parent believes that an accusation against the other parent will increase their...


Our 2019 Christmas Opening Times

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - December 7, 2018

With thoughts of mulled wine and mince pies and spending special times with family and friends, here at the offices of Monnan Gozzett Solicitors we are already getting into the spirit as we move...


Neal Gozzett successful in advising senior lawyer

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - October 27, 2018

Neal Gozzett was successful in advising a senior lawyer at an International Banking institution, in relation to internal disciplinary proceedings. As a result of his representations, the allegations were not found and his client’s...


I was arrested but NFA’d, can I have my police record deleted?

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - October 17, 2018

If you have been previously arrested by the police and they decided to take no further action, you may be able to apply to have this deleted from your record. If you are arrested,...


CAFCASS publish their Child Impact Assessment Framework

Posted By: Maria Monan - October 13, 2018

The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) has published a new framework setting out how children may experience parental separation and how this can be understood and acted on in CAFCASS....


No Further Action For British Expat Accused Of Historic Sexual Assault

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - October 3, 2018

Sexual Assault - Neal Gozzett secures no further action for British expat, residing in France for historic sexual assault. His client resides in France and had to return for questioning and co-operated fully with...


No Further Action Secured For Complex Divorce Involving Criminal Allegations

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - September 16, 2018

Maria Monan and Mellissa Piggott secure "No Further Action" decision for a complex divorce where criminal allegations were made following an acrimonious relationship breakdown and inability to reach a financial settlement. Key to success...

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