

Monan Gozzett Succeeds in Application for Removal of Data from PNC

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - August 26, 2021

Our team were successful in an application to have arrest records, fingerprints, and DNA removed from the Police National Computer on the grounds that no crime occurred and the allegations, which were of a...


Neal Gozzett and Joanne Coller Secure No Further Action at Investigation Stage

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - July 5, 2021

Neal Gozzett and Joanne Coller secure no further action at investigation stage for their client who was falsely accused by an ex-partner of multiple allegations. Upon an in-depth review of the client’s devices by...


Sexual Assault False Allegation Acquitted

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - June 29, 2021

Neal Gozzett and senior Counsel successfully secure the acquittal of a businessman falsely accused of Sexual Assault. At the commencement of the trial, a legal argument was submitted to the court by the defence,...


Blackmail: The Effects and How We Can Help

Posted By: Maria Monan - June 8, 2021

Blackmail, requests for money, or other demands can often accompany false allegation claims. Dealing with the stress caused by such complex situations can be devastating both to the individual involved and the surrounding family....


No Further Action Secured in False Allegation Case

Posted By: Maria Monan - June 4, 2021

Maria Monan and Joanne Coller secured a No Further Action decision for a foster carer in a false allegation matter. The investigation, which extended over a significant time period had originally been fully investigated...


No Further Action Secured for Business Executive

Posted By: Maria Monan - May 26, 2021

Maria Monan and Joanne Coller secure a No Further Action result for a senior business executive in relation to a stalking and harassment matter to which he had been falsely accused. Monan Gozzett LLP ensured the investigation was swiftly closed...


Maria And Mellissa Succeed in Discontinuation of Case

Posted By: Maria Monan - May 10, 2021

Maria Monan and Mellissa Piggott succeed in discontinuing a case with a multiple-count Indictment at the Crown Court, prior to trial. The defendant was facing allegations of harassment and a breach of Restraining Order...


No Further Action Secured For Neal and Joanne

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - May 10, 2021

Neal Gozzett and Joanne Coller have secured a no further action for a Technology Expert falsely accused of Sexual Assault who was being investigated by Norfolk Police. After the proper preparation of detailed written...


No Further Action Secured By Neal & Samuel

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - May 4, 2021

Neal Gozzett and Samuel Manok-Sanoian have successfully secured no further action for an investment banker under investigation for allegedly engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour in an intimate relationship. These allegations had serious reputational...


Two No Further Action Results For Maria And Joanne

Posted By: Maria Monan - April 22, 2021

Maria Monan and Joanne Coller were able to secure No Further Action for two clients in two separate cases recently. The first No further action result was achieved for a London based Consultant and...

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