

Successful Strike Out Of Multi-Million Pound Estate Case

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - December 23, 2021

Samuel Manok-Sanoian successfully strikes out a £1.7 million case involving the administration and distribution of an estate. This case was highly unusual as the Claimant was given permission (erroneously) by the County Court to...


Settlement Negotiated in High Court defamation case.

Posted By: Monan Gozzett - December 23, 2021

Samuel Manok-Sanoian successfully negotiates a settlement for his client in a High Court defamation case. The case involved false allegations being made against the client on Twitter which had caused serious harm to his...


What Is A Non-Molestation Order?

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - December 9, 2021

Relationships can be difficult. In some circumstances, they can be toxic. Sadly, we often deal with cases where there has been a history of domestic abuse and spouses – both male and female -...


Neal Gozzett Defends Client Against False Accusation

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - November 25, 2021

Neal Gozzett successfully defends his client who was falsely accused of sexual allegations in the workplace during an internal investigation with his employer. Neal worked with his client to produce an extensive dossier of...


What Are Account Freezing Orders And What Impact Can They Have?

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - November 3, 2021

Account Freezing Orders (AFOs) are becoming an increasingly popular weapon for criminal investigators and the police in tackling economic crime and money laundering. They are a powerful and effective tool for authorities to freeze...


What Does NFA From Police Really Mean?

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - October 8, 2021

If you are subject to a police investigation, you may find that the matter is concluded by way of NFA, No Further Action. Essentially, this means that the police have investigated the allegation/s made...


Monan Gozzett secure no further action for international diplomat

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - September 27, 2021

Neal Gozzett and Mellissa Piggott secure no further action for their client, an international diplomat, falsely accused of harassment. Submissions were made to the officer in the case, together with electronic evidence which undermined...


Neal Gozzett and Joanne Coller secure record deletion for their client

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - September 16, 2021

Neal Gozzett and Joanne Coller secure record deletion for their client, a senior employee in the Pharmaceutical industry, who found himself the victim of a premeditated false allegation. The investigation was concluded as  ‘No...


Neal Gozzett and Mellissa Piggott Secure a Discontinuance at Court for Their Client

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - August 26, 2021

Neal Gozzett and Mellissa Piggott secure a discontinuance at the Magistrates’ Court for their client who faced allegations of harassment. The Crown offered no evidence on the first day of trial and a not...


Maria Monan and Mellissa Piggott Succeed in Discontinuation of Case

Posted By: Maria Monan - August 26, 2021

Maria Monan and Mellissa Piggott succeed in discontinuation of case at the Crown Court. Their client, a successful businessman and entrepreneur, faced an allegation of outraging public decency. The Crown offered no evidence on...

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