Rachel Innes successfully secured victories for her clients in three different complex and serious criminal cases, all relating to false allegations.

In the first instance, Maria Monan and Rachel successfully secured the discontinuation of an extensive police investigation concerning allegations of child abuse made against their client.
The case was complex, and the client instructed both our criminal and family law departments to help clear their name and retore their family relationships. By compiling and presenting a dossier of evidence to the Police, Maria and Rachel were able to undermine the credibility and establish that the allegations were false and malicious and made without merit.

In the second instance, Rachel successfully persuaded the Police to take no further action following a complex case concerning false child abuse allegations made against three members of the same family.
By submitting a dossier of exculpatory evidence that demonstrated the allegations made against the family were false and malicious, Rachel was able to advise and represent the family at a voluntary police station interview which resulted in the case being discontinued and no further action being taken. Our client has now provided instructions in relation to arrest record deletion.

In the final case, Rachel successfully secured the discontinuation of a lengthy police investigation against a client who was accused of serious sexual offences.
The client had been released under police investigation for over two years, which caused severe distress, anguish and damage to our client as well as jeopardising the client’s career prospects. Rachel advanced representations to highlight the lack of evidence available to substantiate any allegations, engaging in a dialogue with the Police, to ensure that a no further action decision was reached.

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