Our Senior Partner, Neal Gozzett and Louise Turner achieve no further action for their client who faced a historic allegation of sexual assault on a child under the age of 13 years old.  The allegation would have had devastating and far-reaching consequences for our client and his family if he was charged and had to face trial in the Crown Court.

Through robust representation at the police station by our Senior Partner Neal Gozzett and assistance in liaising with the police thereafter by Louise Turner, the case was able to be concluded before the matter could proceed to charge, leaving our client’s reputation intact allowing him to continue to enjoy his retirement.

It can be difficult to reach out for help if you are suspected of a serious sexual offence, but please remember our team of expert false allegation experts are here to support you through the process and ensure that your defence is advanced robustly from the moment we are instructed.

If you need legal representation, you can contact Monan Gozzett using any of the details below.

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If you would like to speak to our expert legal team about this, or any related subject then please contact our team by phone on 0207 936 6329, Email or by completing our Quick Contact Form below.

Please note that we are unable to offer free legal advice. Our client services team are here to take your case details and explain any costs involved