Building a reputation can take years but can be destroyed in minutes.

In today’s digital society, the prevalence of online communication channels, publications, and social media means that ill-thought or malicious comments can reach a broad audience instantly.

False or inaccurate content posted on social networking sites, internet forums, or blogs can spread rapidly, causing serious harm to a person's reputation if swift action is not taken.

Monan Gozzett has extensive experience dealing with defamatory issues that can severely damage personal and professional reputations.

Contact our defamation, libel and slander solicitors today to see how our expert dispute resolution team can help.

What Is Defamation Of Character?

Defamation of character is a tort related to the publication of a statement that has caused or is likely to cause, serious harm to a person's reputation.

The reputational consequences of being defamed can be devastating.

There are two forms of defamation:

  • Slander: A temporary form of defamation, typically the spoken word.
  • Libel: Permanent form of defamation, usually in writing.

Understanding the nuances between slander and libel is crucial for effectively addressing and resolving defamation issues.

You can read more about the definition of defamation.

Why Choose Monan Gozzett?

Our defamation of character solicitors frequently advise clients on their available options, which may include bringing a defamation claim to protect their reputation and recover damages.

We also provide continuing safeguarding advice to protect clients and their families in case of further false allegations.

Since reputations can often be ruined due to such publications, our expert lawyers can immediately provide reputational and crisis management advice when required to place you in the best position moving forward.

We often work with our criminal defence team and advise clients falsely accused of committing offences and have had their police investigation discontinued or charges no further actioned (NFA).

Contact Our Defamation, Libel And Slander Solicitors

If you are dealing with defamation, libel, or slander, Monan Gozzett's experienced solicitors can help protect your reputation.

We specialise in defamation of character claims, libel and slander actions, reputation management, and crisis management.

Choose Monan Gozzett for experienced, personalised, and comprehensive support in defending your good name.

Get In Touch
If you would like to discuss defamation, libel and slander allegations with our experts, please head to our our contact area below

Defamation, Slander & Libel FAQs

There are usually four main criteria that must be met.

A defamation claim will only be successful if the information published, broadcast or spoken is proven to be:

  • Untrue
  • Exaggerated
  • Reported in an intentionally misleading way
  • Damaging to the reputation of that person or business

Yes, there are several defences to defamation in UK law. These include:

  • Truth: The statement is true.
  • Honest Opinion: The statement is a genuine opinion, not a statement of fact.
  • Privilege: Some statements are protected by absolute or qualified privilege, such as those made in Parliament or judicial proceedings.
  • Public Interest: The statement was on a matter of public interest, and the defendant reasonably believed publishing it was in the public interest.
  • Consent: The claimant consented to the publication of the defamatory statement.

These defences can protect individuals or entities from defamation claims if properly established in court.

Defamation is a broad term that refers to false statements harming someone's reputation, with two specific types: libel and slander. Libel refers to defamatory statements made in a permanent form, such as written words, images, or broadcast media. In contrast, slander refers to defamatory statements made in a temporary form, such as spoken words or gestures. Libel is generally considered more harmful due to its lasting nature and wider reach, whereas slander is typically seen as less impactful because it is less likely to remain accessible over time.

Our defamation lawyers specialise in both libel and slander claims. Regardless of how the defamatory statement was made, we will take robust action to restore and protect our client's reputation. Whether the defamation is written (libel) or spoken (slander), our experienced team is equipped to handle your case effectively, ensuring that your rights are protected and your reputation is defended. Contact us for a confidential consultation to discuss your situation and find out how we can help.

The first thing to do is to prepare and send an intended defendant a 'Letter Before Claim' compliant with the Pre-Action Protocol for Media and Communications Claims. This letter will detail your complaint and allow the defendant time to respond. This could be enough to convince the defendant to rescind their comments and make a settlement out of court.

Sometimes, however, a defendant may choose to defend the claim. If this is the case, the next step would be to issue proceedings in the High Court.

To learn more about our services or speak to our defamation solicitors, please get in touch with Monan Gozzett using the details below.

Yes, a person can claim for defamatory words published on social media. Social media posts are considered a form of publication. If the statements made are false and damaging to someone's reputation, they can form the basis of a defamation claim. Our defamation lawyers specialise in handling such cases and will take robust action to restore and protect your reputation. If you believe you have been defamed on social media, contact us for a confidential consultation to discuss your options and how we can assist you.

The limitation period for defamation claims is one year from when the cause of action arises unless there are exceptional circumstances. Therefore, seeking legal advice as soon as you know of any false or inaccurate statements about you is vital.

It is possible to sue any person or entity who published the defamatory statements or caused them to be published. This includes publishing companies and their editors.
If you do not know the identity of the person responsible for publishing the defamatory statements, we can apply for a pre-action disclosure order against a third party who knows the wrongdoer's identity.

No, not all defamation claims go to court. Many defamation cases are resolved through settlements or alternative dispute resolution methods before reaching the courtroom. Our defamation lawyers work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients, often negotiating settlements that restore and protect their reputation without the need for a court trial. If you believe you have been defamed, contact us for a confidential consultation to explore your options and determine the best course of action.

If you would like to speak to our expert legal team about this, or any related subject then please contact our team by phone on 0207 936 6329, Email or by completing our Quick Contact Form below.